Working with Thoughts
Some researchers say we have 70,000 thoughts a day. What percentage of yours are true and helpful? For all catastrophizing and self-critical thoughts that arise in our heads, here are ways of working with these thoughts that thwart your wellbeing...
Cognitive Restructuring (changing the meaning of thoughts)
Step #1: Thought Record: when struggling record your thoughts here | [Form]
Step #2: Label Thinking Errors: for each thought on the form name the thinking error | [Anxiety/Depression Errors] [Obsessive Thinking Errors]
Step #3: Cognitive Restructuring Questions: Ask these of your thoughts | [Short List] [Long List]
Letting Thoughts Go (shifting attention off of thoughts)
Leaves on the Stream (10 mins) | [Listen]
Defustion Techniques by Russ Harris | [Handout]
Thank your Mind for your Thoughts by Russ Harris | [Video]
Thought Detox (more practices for working with your thoughts)
The Voice Inside Your Head by Michael Singer | [Short Book Chapters]
I notice I'm having the thought that... (5 mins) | [Listen]
Shift attention from thought to senses... (5 mins) | [Listen]
Mindfulness of thought... (5 mins) | [Listen]
Is this thought helpful?... (5 mins) | [Listen]
Shift from worry to productive problem solving... (5 mins) | [Listen]