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Self Compassion

Think of someone you really admire. Imagine that they had worked really hard at their job in the past year. Performing at the level above them. Putting their all in. And they go up for promotion. You get a call one morning from them and you can hear the dejection in their voice. They didn't get it. What would you say to them? How would you feel towards them? Close your eyes for a minute and really imagine this scenario.

Now imagine that you had worked really hard on something like a promotion. You put your all in. And you find out you are passed over. How would you feel about this? What would you say to yourself? Close your eyes and imagine.

It's interesting how we are often more supportive towards others than we are in the inner dialogue towards ourselves. Yet this is just a habit. We can actually choose to whisper warm, tender, empowering messages to ourselves in our struggling moments.

Self-compassion is treating yourself as you would a best friend. Believing in yourself even when you've failed. Showing love to yourself when are hurting the most. Not blaming yourself, but rather staying connected to your wholeness as you navigate the harder times.

Experiential Exercise by Kelly (15 mins)  |  [Listen]

Meditations by Chris Germer  |  [Listen]

Book by Kristin Neff  |  [Order]

Talks and Meditations by Tara Brach  |  [RAIN of Self Compassion]   |  [Talk]   |  [Talk]

Create a Mantra   |  [Form]

Write a Self-compassion Letter  |  [Instructions]

Writing by Jan Frazier:"What is it to be kind to yourself? It's to rest from wishing things were otherwise."  |  [Blog Post]

Tonglin (Advanced Buddist Practice of sensing interconnection while suffering) by Pema Chodron   |  [Tonglin Explanation][Youtube Exercise]