Values are our heart’s deepest desires for the way we want to interact with the world, other people and ourselves. They are what we want to stand for in life, how we want to behave, what sort of person we want to be, what sort of strengths and qualities we want to develop. Think of when you feel the most enlivened, vital, engaged, and passionate in life. When you are intrinsically interested, curious or engaged with something. Values are statements about what we want to be doing with our life: about what we want to stand for, and how we want to behave on an ongoing basis. They are leading principles that can guide us and motivate us as we move through life.
ACT Values Form by Kelly | [Worksheet]
Simple Values Form (Bulls Eye) by Russ Harris | [Worksheet]
Needs and Values Form by Kelly | [Form]
Design Your Life by Bill Burnett & Dave Evans | [Book]
Values Card Sort [Instructions] [Values Cards]
Imagining Your 80th BDay by Kelly Werner | [Audio Exercise]
10 years, 5 years, 1 year left by Kelly Werner | [Audio Exercise]