7-Step Process of Personal Resilience: Be there for yourself when you need it the most. In life, it is not what you say to everyone else that determines how things will play out. It is what you whisper to yourself in your quiet moments that has the greatest power. Isn’t it crazy that in the moments you are struggling the most, you can sometimes leave yourself out in the lurch? Like when you've worked incredibly hard on something that's not panning out the way you want, you can compare yourself to others who have succeeded. Or when you have a relationship that is strained and you've tried everything, you can blame yourself or them. These micro-moments of self-abandonment only make our pain about the unfinished project or tense relationship worse. Instead, what would it be like when you are lying awake in the middle of the night, ruminating, worrying or obsessing, to shift your whole mental and emotional frame and whisper to yourself: "I'm totally here for you and I've got you through this every step of the way. No matter how long this goes or hard it gets, I'm never going to give up on you or let you down. I believe in you." Listen to the 7 steps below and you will help train your brain to truly have your own back, right in the micro-moments that you need strength, encouragement and humanity the most.
“I” is Much Broader Than You Think: Widen your attention from that incessant inner self-talk to include the whole landscape of sensation and awareness in this moment. You are so much more than your well-worn mental narrative. Relax back into the fullness of your being. | [listen]
Gratitude for the Miracle that is Your Life! It’s freaking astounding that you even get to do this life at all!!! Many things in your life right now, you only dreamed of having 10 years ago. Notice and relish in the simple yet wonderous moments of this life! | [listen]
Own Your Unique Value You have special gifts and talents that no one else has. You touch people in ways that others don’t. The world needs your expression, your voice, your gifts and talents. Revere and love your unique way of being. There will never be another you. | [listen]
Tenderly Welcome all Parts of You: Honor and include the totality of you. The weak, stressed, and failing parts of you are just longing for your attention and love. Not your criticism. Let’s truly respect and integrate those parts of ourselves that we are ashamed admit we have not yet grown past. | [listen]
“I’m Here, I Got You” Say to yourself: “With this hard life situation you are still struggling with, I want you know, I’m totally here for you and I’ve got your back. I’m here every step of the way. I love you with all my heart. We can do this!" When embodying your wholeness you are the most resourced to act. | [listen]
Open to Possibility: Opportunities that you cannot even conceive of are trying to reach you right now. Visualize positive outcomes that exceed your previous life experience. See them, feel them, know them. Your struggling mind blocks you from noticing opportunities right in front of you. | [listen]
Unhook from Self-judgment as You Act: Take the small or large step that you know you need to take. Say the vulnerable thing, ask for what you need, take a risk in a relationship, start the avoided task. Taking the action step is success in itself, not the outcome. Repeated baby-steps add up! | [listen]
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