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Short Moments of Natural Awareness

Are you aware right now? Where do you go to answer that question?

What is here now if there is no problem to solve?

Try and not be aware. What do you notice?

Where is your attention right now? What is it that notices that?

It's weird, there is some kind of natural awareness here that is always on. Whether we want it or not, listening is happening right now. Seeing is happening. And something is registering those sounds and sights without us conscisouly deciding to. This is not our thinking self. Just a natural open attention. We can actually shift our sense of self to this natural awareness. When we do this our thinking is clearer. We have more access to an underlying peace. In any moment, you can glimpse your natural awareness and operate from there. From awareness we are able to act on our life from our most clear and resourced self. Our thoughts, personality and emotions are not always the best things to be caught up in and operating from. They can sometimes lead us astray. We can think that another is overlooking us and feel hurt, when they are actually just thinking about their own needs. We can worry about a future that never actually comes to exist in realtiy, wasting all that time and energy. Relaxing back to your self-essence, clarity, equanimity you can see the realtiy of life situaitons more clearly and you can act from your wisest self. Your superpower in life, is your own wisdom and heart. Reliably access your deepest wisest self with these glimpse practices...

Long list of Glimpse Practices for Natural Awareness by Kelly Werner  |  [Glimpse Practices]

Short Moments of Awareness by Kelly Werner  |  [Audio Practice]

Glimpses of Being by Diana Winston  |  [Audio Course]

The Way of Effortless Mindfulness by Loch Kelly  |  [Book]   

Short Moments of Awareness, Repeated Many Times by Balanced View  |  [Chapter]   

A Glimpse of Dzogchen by Shambhala Publications  |  [Article]