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Compassion is to know another is suffering and to want to alleviate that suffering. It is to feel warmth and care in the midst of someone else's pain.

"Be kind, becasue everyone you meet is fighting a battle that you know nothing about." - Plato

"When I was addicted to cocaine and stole my father's car and sold it instead of visiting him as he way dying in the hospital, way underneath, I was actually a good person trapped in bad behavior. No one could have seen it. But at my core I didn't want to be hurting people even when I was." - Rayya Elias, reported later when she was a sober writer, musician, film-maker

"Other people's poor behavior is a tragic expression of their unmet needs." - Marshall Rosenberg (creator of Non-Violent Communication)

The Heart of Compassion by The Cleveland Clinic (2 mins)  |  [Video]

Compassion for Another by Kelly (6 mins)  |  [Listen]

Loving Kindness by Kelly (5 mins)  |  [Listen]

Goodness in Others by Kelly (5 mins)  |  [Listen]

Appreciating Differences by Kelly (5 mins)  |  [Listen]

Asking and Listening by Kelly (5 mins)  |  [Listen]

Just Like Me by Kelly (5 mins)  |  [Listen]

Common Humanity by Kelly (5 mins)  |  [Listen]

Radical Compassion Talks and Guided Practices by Sounds True   |  [Online Course]

Compassion Cultivation Course by CCARE at Stanford   |  [8 week Course]

Tonglin (Advanced Buddist Practice of sensing interconnection while suffering) by Pema Chodron   |  [Tonglin Explanation][Youtube Exercise]