Mindfulness Meditation
Meditation is touching life exactly where it is touching you. We are so used to thinking about what we are experiencing. Commenting, making meaning, planning, judging. We don't linger in the raw experience of life as much. Mindfulness is prioritizing attention in our senses verses thought. Right now, notice the next sound that arises in your room. Now notice the next sound that arises outside of your room. It's just a subtle shift of attention. From thinking to noticing that you are thinking. Or noticing the next sound. This next moment has never happened before. It's totally fresh and new. Can we be fascinated with the next breath. Fascinated with the next sound? Can we balance in our senses on this next moment like we balance on a bike?
Fascination and intimacy with right now (17 mins) by Kelly | [Mindfulness Exercise]
Allowing meditation (10 mins) by Kelly | [Mindfulness Exercise]
30+ Meditation Exercises by Kelly | [Webpage of Recordings]
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Meditation Retreat Centers, Classes & Teachers (in California) | [List]